Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The Goodman Letters

Several years ago, after the pattern of The Screwtape Letters written by C.S. Lewis, I wrote the Goodman Letters. For those who don't know, The Screwtape Letters are letters from a supervisory devil to a devil assigned to certain people. In the Goodman Letters, Boggs is the devil assigned to Goodman, and Nehor is his supervisor. The "enemy" is God. The 'Master' is Satan. The name Boggs comes from Governor Boggs who ordered the Mormons to leave Missouri. The name Nehor is from the Book of Mormon. His religion was the most popular in the Book of Mormon.

Dear Boggs,

Goodman is now under your watch, but I don't feel like you need to do anything other than to observe at this point. He is quite content that he is a good man who performs well, and is a good example to his friends and family. He has a very good image of himself, which others share as well. His family, his coworkers and ward members reinforce his image and flatter him that he is nice and well respected. He views his recent calling as a High Councilor as a reward for his goodness, and he now has an additional group of men who will also reinforce his image. For the moment, he uses the enemy's scriptures as part of his image, and considers himself one of the good guys.


Dear Boggs,

You missed something last week concerning Goodman that you need to watch. He was asked in a gospel doctrine class if he compared himself to the older or younger brother in the parable of the prodigal son. The question had never occurred to him before that, as he had always compared himself with the older brother who had remained faithful. But Samuel planted a seed and he left the classroom thinking about it. Fortunately he didn't have time to ponder the question because he was stopped in the hallway by the bishop who thanked him for the wonderful talk he gave in meeting last week, and flattered him sufficiently that the parable did not come back into his mind. Watch him this week and hopefully he will stay so busy with work, family and church that he won't get beyond his duty to read the scriptures and actually hear the parable.


Dear Boggs,

Good work keeping Goodman out of that gospel doctrine class last week. There are a few in that class who are actually listening to Samuel and likening the scriptures unto themselves. Once they do, and continue to do so, our work is much more difficult. So far Goodman hasn't considered it, as you have been successful in keeping him focused on doing his duty and keeping the commandments. That was ingenious of our Master to emphasize the outward performances. Use this with Goodman. Keep him active and self-sufficient in his talents and abilities, taking strength unto himself. Make sure others praise him and keep telling him what a good man he is. So far he believes it and as long as he does, our work will go smoothly.


Dear Boggs,

I have been concerned about Samuel. For some reason he has taken it upon himself to go out of his way to befriend Goodman. Last week in the hallway at church, Samuel gave Goodman an article on the prodigal son. Your job this week is to make sure that Goodman does not read it. Samuel is a problem for you. Your predecessor lost his job because of Samuel. So far Goodman only sees Samuel as someone he is glad he is not--unsuccessful in most areas of his life, whose wife complains to others that he can't keep a decent job. She said he spends all his time reading and studying the enemy's words and doesn't live in the real world. (Another stroke of genius of our Master--the real world!) But Samuel has a gift from the enemy, and the enemy can get to Goodman through Samuel. You must see to it that Goodman continues to see himself as better than Samuel, but more importantly tempt him that his works are good and that he is good. He cannot be allowed to see the evil in himself. If he does you will lose him.


Dear Boggs,

I see that Samuel was released last week, and no one with the gift of knowledge was called to replace him. Isn't it good that our Master has caused them to ignore the gifts of the enemy? It certainly makes our work easier. I don't think you are aware, however, that Goodman's wife found the article on the prodigal son, and read it last week. Unfortunately it touched her that the enemy can love both sons equally and that the enemy and his angels actually rejoiced over the prodigal son coming home. And worse, she wanted Goodman to read it, and because she asked he did. Fortunately he still saw himself as the elder brother who had been faithful, and you need to reinforce his faithfulness this week, which should not be too difficult. But watch Mrs. Goodman closely. She actually thanked Samuel for giving them the article. So guess what? Samuel gave her an article on the lost sheep, and asked her to think about why the enemy would describe the ninety and nine as those 'who need no repentance?' Your work is cut out for you, even though Goodman is still caught up in his goodness. In fact the stake president told his entire high council that they were righteous men. Good for us.


Dear Boggs,

You fool! What good are you if you can't see what is happening? You were content to think that Goodman was already ours. No one ever is ours until the enemy no longer allows them to turn to him. I told you to watch Samuel. You didn't and Mrs. Goodman is asking for more articles and has started to really read the enemy's scriptures. I fear that your influence over Goodman is weakening, even though he still hasn't got a clue. I warned you that the enemy would use Samuel to get to Goodman. But you say it is only Mrs. Goodman. You are a stupid devil! Once the enemy's spirit gets to her, you can bet your job on the fact that she will turn her efforts to Goodman. Our only hope is that Goodman continues to love his place on the stand. Make sure that he does! And make sure that the enemy's scriptures stay on Goodman's table!


Dear Boggs,

I feel very good about the majority of the people under your watch. They continue to teach their own doctrines mingled with the enemy's scriptures. Their discussions are low and vulgar as their founder Smith said. And they worship their false gods at the same time they give lip service to the enemy. Samuel does, however, have several of your people moving from pride to humility. This kind of cancer can spread to your whole community. Just the other day Mrs. Goodman told her husband that what she used to believe and what the enemy's scriptures tell her are not even close to the same. She has discovered that it is not about her own goodness but the enemy's. Goodman was upset with Samuel for feeding this stuff to his wife, but did acknowledge that his wife seemed much more humble. But the good news for us is that Goodman was given a promotion and will make twice as much money. The Goodmans are moving to a much nicer neighborhood! Your work with them is done. They will now be under the watchful eye of Trump.


Dear Trump,

As you are aware the Goodmans are moving to your neighborhood. I know you have talked with Boggs and have some background on both Goodman and Mrs. Goodman. Even with this move, I am still worried about Mrs. Goodman, even though these new circumstances will make it more difficult for her. But as long as Goodman can provide her with security, there is hope that her new found dependence on the enemy, will either replace or at least compete with the financial security she so desires. Either way will work for us. I understand that their new house is large and beautiful, but not the largest in their neighborhood, and that will also work in our favor. They, or at least Goodman, now has the trappings to go with his desired self image. He will spend much of his time comparing himself among his neighbors. (You have always had the easiest job!) You should't have much trouble with them as long as they build their portfolio and gain the security they desire. See that they do, and make sure that they thank the enemy daily for all that they receive (deserve), and remain active in their congregation.


1 comment:

  1. This was brilliant. Having read Screwtape Letters years ago, I thought this was a fitting update for our times. My favorite line: "So far Goodman only sees Samuel as someone he is glad he is not--unsuccessful in most areas of his life." And, "You're such a stupid devil!"

    I love the creativity because it speaks the truth. I saw myself in Bro. Goodman. I have never "sat on the stand" but I have so much pride to rid myself of. I guess that's why God gave us wives!

    Thanks for making me laugh and ponder at the same time.
