Monday, December 27, 2021

And By This You May Know

As I have read the phrase "and by this you may know" in the 84th Section of the Doctrine & Covenants, I have wondered why it is important to the Lord that we should know the righteous from the wicked. Isn't it enough that He knows? Why do we need to know who hears and is acquainted with His voice and who does not hear or is not acquainted with His voice? Why do we need to know who is under the bondage of sin and who is not under the bondage of sin?

Let us first read what He says:

"And the whole world lieth in sin, 

and groaneth under darkness

and under the bondage of sin.

And by this you may know

they are under the bondage of sin,

because they come not unto me.

For whoso cometh not unto me

is under the bondage of sin.

And whoso receiveth not my voice

is not acquainted with my voice,

and is not of me."

Let me make it clear that it is His voice that we must hear and He tells us how we hear His voice--

"And I, Jesus Christ, your Lord and your God, have spoken it. These words are not of men nor of man, but of me; wherefore, you shall testify they are of me and not of man; For it is my voice which speaketh them unto you; for they are given by my Spirit unto you, and by my power you can read them one to another; and save it were by my power you could not have them; Wherefore, you can testify that you have heard my voice, and know my words" (D&C 18:33-36 emphasis added).

Do not mistake the words of men, even those in authority, for the words of God, even though by His voice or the voice of His servants they (His words if they speak them) are the same (D&C 1:38). It is up to us to know the difference.

And by this you may know 

the righteous from the wicked, 

and that the whole world 

groaneth under sin and 

darkness even now" 

(D&C 84:29-53 emphasis added).

As we examine what He wants us to know, it becomes clear that He wants us to know:

1.  who is under the bondage of sin?

2.  who is in darkness?

3.  who is righteous?

4.  what He means by righteous

5.  who is wicked?

6.  what He means by wicked?

He also wants us to know why some are under the bondage of sin

1. because they come not unto Him, 

2. because they do not receive and 

3. are not acquainted with His voice.

He defines the wicked as those who do not come unto Him and who do not hear His voice.

And He defines those who do come unto Him and hear His voice as righteous.

"And by this you may know the righteous from the wicked" (vs 53).

"Therefore I say unto you,

that he that will not hear my voice, the same shall ye not receive into my church, for him I will not receive at the last day. (Mosiah 26:2)

Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

How do we do the will of the Father? 

Simply, where we want for ourselves and others what He wants for us.

Many will say to me

in that day, Lord, Lord, 

have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them (you never knew me), ye that work iniquity 

(Matt 7:23 (21-23)

And by this you may know

they have gone astray,

as sheep having no shepherd, notwithstanding a shepherd

hath called after you

and is still calling after you,

but ye will not hearken unto his voice!

Behold, I say unto you,

that the good shepherd

doth call you; yea,

and in his own name he doth call you, which is the name of Christ;

and if ye will not hearken

unto the voice of the good shepherd, to the name by which ye are called, behold, ye are not the sheep of the good shepherd.

And now if ye are not

the sheep of the good shepherd,

of what fold are ye?

Behold, I say unto you,

that the devil is your shepherd,

and ye are of his fold;

and now, who can deny this?

(Alma 5:36-39)

For I say unto you that

whatsoever is good

cometh from God, and

whatsoever is evil

cometh from the devil.

Therefore, if a man bringeth

forth good works

he hearkeneth unto

the voice of 

the good shepherd,

and he doth follow him;

but whosoever bringeth forth

evil works, the same

becometh a child of the devil,

for he hearkeneth unto

his voice and doth follow him. 

(Alma 5:40-41)

Here are other scriptures that contain the phrase "that you may know" and/or reference to hearing His voice.  

I will type them in verse.

That which is of God is light; 

and he that receiveth light, 

and continueth in God, 

receiveth more light; 

and that light groweth 

brighter and brighter 

until the perfect day. 

And again, verily 

I say unto you, 

and I say it that 

you may know the truth, 

that you may chase 

darkness from among you. 

(D&C 50:24-25)

And the whole world 

lieth in sin, and groaneth under darkness and 

under the bondage of sin. 

And by this you may know 

they are under the bondage of sin, 

because they come not unto me. 

For whoso cometh not unto me 

is under the bondage of sin.

And whoso receiveth not my voice 

is not acquainted with my voice, 

and is not of me. 

And by this you may know 

the righteous from the wicked, 

and that the whole world

groaneth under sin 

and darkness even now. 

(D&C 84:49)

The sheep hear his voice

and he calleth 

his own sheep by name, 

and he leadeth them out. 

And when he putteth forth 

his own sheep, 

he goeth before them, 

and the sheep follow him

for they know his voice. 

And a stranger 

will they not follow, 

but will flee from him: 

for they know not 

the voice of strangers. 

(John 10:3-4)

He numbereth his sheep, 

and they know him. 

(1 Nephi 22:2)

And he that will hear my voice 

shall be my sheep. 

(Mosiah 26:2)

Hear, O heavens, 

and give ear, O earth: 

for the Lord hath spoken, 

I have nourished (by His word) 

and brought up children, 

and they have 

rebelled against me. 

The ox knoweth his owner, 

and the ass his master's crib: 

but Israel doth not know, 

my people doth not consider. 

A sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, 

a seed of evildoers, 

children that are corrupters: 

they have forsaken 

the Holy One of Israel unto anger, 

they have gone away backward.

(Isaiah 1:2-4)

If ye will hear his voice, 

harden not your hearts (Jacob 6:6).

And as many as would 

hearken unto the voice 

of the Lord should also 

depart out of the land 

with him, 

into the wilderness--

and it came to pass that he did according as the Lord 

commanded him. 

And they departed out of the land 

into the wilderness, 

as many as would hearken 

unto the voice of the Lord; 

and they were led 

by many preachings and prophesyings. And 

they were admonished 

continually by the word of God

(Omni 12-13)

And because they would not 

hearken unto the voice 

of the Lord; therefore the Lord redeemeth them not.

(Mosiah 16:2)

It is because you 

have hardened your hearts; 

yea, ye will not hearken 

unto the voice of the good shepherd (Helaman 7:18).

And he that will 

hear my voice 

shall be my sheep

and him shall ye 

receive into the church, 

and him will I also receive. 

For behold, this is my church; whosoever is baptized shall be baptized unto repentance.

(Mosiah 26:21-22)

Inasmuch as they shall 

humble themselves 

before me, and 

abide in my word

and hearken unto 

the voice of my spirit. 

Verily, verily, I say unto you, 

darkness covereth the earth, 

and gross darkness 

the minds of the people, 

and all flesh has become 

corrupt before my face.

(D&C 112:22-23)

Abomination is that which departs from, is different from, the revelations of God. Righteousness comes through faith in God, which is loving obedience to his revealed instructions. "Omin" is the equivalent of "omen" which refers to revelation. "Ab" means away from.

Q. How can we know if

another hears and is acquainted with His voice?

Q. How do we know who does not hear or is not acquainted with His voice? 

A. By the simple test of what comes out of their mouth

Q. And why should we know?  

A. So that we can help them hear His voice. 

1 comment:

  1. This was thought-provoking; it made me pause and ask myself, "How do I hear His voice?" and "What is His voice like?" Isn't it interesting that the Lord is not known by his appearance, but by his sound? Like Mary, who thought he was a gardener until he spoke. And at the sound of his voice, she knew him.

    But what is perplexing is sound does not travel through space, which is a vacuum. Sound requires vocal chords and an atmosphere. So what would the Lord "sound" like spirit-to-spirit? What does "light" look like if were had no eyes? What would cinnamon taste like if we had no tongue?

    What I keep returning to is this idea that our senses are what allows us to interact and perceive the world around us; so what would it be like to have no senses; to be without a body and have only our "spiritual sense."

    Would we know the Lord in a vacuum?
