In the vision of the tree of life, Lehi talks about two groups of people, one of which did 'press forward through the mist of darkness, clinging to the rod of iron,' and another which did 'press their way forward, continually holding fast to the rod of iron. The first group did partake of the fruit of the tree of life, but because of others mocking them, fell away 'into forbidden paths and were lost. The second group 'came forth and fell down and partook of the fruit of the tree.' Nothing more is said of this second group, and we can assume that they did not fall away into forbidden paths, the seemingly only difference being that continually holding fast to the word of God as opposed to just clinging to the word of God, caused them to fall down and partake of the fruit (I Nephi 8:24-30). See also Mosiah 3 where the word of God caused those that heard it to fall down to the earth.
So the question arises as to whether other scriptures give us some indication of what it means to continually hold fast to the word of God. But before we do lets examine possible meanings of what it means to cling to the word of God. While the dictionary does say clinging can include holding fast, perhaps the more accurate meaning is to adhere to or remain attached to the idea of the word of God as opposed to the more detailed meaning of holding fast, or as planting His words in our hearts and being continually nourished by His words, as set forth hereinafter. Perhaps we cling to the idea or the book, maybe even read, but we do not search the words diligently.
There are many words and phrases that we can link to the phrase continually hold fast to the rod of iron and in this manner the Lord gives us a more complete definition of the phrase, so that we do not have to guess at its meaning or attempt to use our own ideas to define it.
By means of rhetorical links between words and phrases--the ideas they have in common--we can thus understand what it means to continually hold fast to the rod of iron or the word of God. In this way the Lord tells us what His words mean.
And in this case the phrase we link to is the word of God. In other words whenever we see the phrase word of God, or similar phrase such as words of Christ or word of the Lord, and we are being told how others respond to the word of God, then we can link that desired response to the phrase continually hold fast, thereby giving us a more elaborate and comprehensive explanation.
A first link is given by Nephi immediately after answering his brothers' question as to what was meant by the rod of iron. Nephi answers that it is the word of God, and "whoso would hearken unto the word of God, and would hold fast unto it, they would never perish...." And then Nephi exhorts them "to give heed unto the word of God" (2 Nephi 15:23-25 emphasis added). He thereby adds the words hearken and heed in explaining what it means to 'hold fast unto it.' He did this by way of exhortation with all the energies of his soul and with all the faculty which he possessed. Nephi admonished them to remember to keep the commandments of the Lord always and in all things, thereby linking the word remember to what it means to continually hold fast. There are multiple instances in the scriptures where the words hearken, heed, and remember are used in connection with the word of God.
Let's examine a few other links. Note that all links are italicized. One of my favorites is in Alma 37. Here Alma is ending his teaching of the word of God to his son Helaman and he compares the word of God to the Liahona. Alma tells Helaman that "it is as easy to give heed to the word of it was for our fathers to give heed to this compass" (Alma 37:44). He then asks "is there not a type in this thing? For just "as surely as this director did bring our fathers, by following its course...shall the words of Christ, if we follow their course, carry us beyond this vale of sorrow into a far better land of promise" (Alma 37:45 emphasis added). If, however, we are slothful in giving heed to the word of Christ then we will not prosper as to things which are spiritual. He then adds: "The way is prepared, and if we will look to God we may live forever" (Alma 37:45-46).
Without as much detail I will list some for your reference and further research.
Alma tells us to plant the word in our hearts (Alma 32). The Lord tells us to live by and to treasure up in our minds continually the words of life (D&C 84:44;85). We are admonished to hear the word of God and to open our ears. Nephi tells us to feast upon the words of Christ (2 Nephi 32:4).
We are cautioned to not harden our hearts against the word (Alma 12). Alma also encourages us to adhere to the word of God (Alma 60:34), and to believe in the word of God (Alma 5:11). Give diligent heed to words of eternal life (D&C 84:43).
Moroni uses the admonition to be nourished by the word of God (Moroni 6:4).
Other links include teach, impart, declare, preach, write and speak the words of God. Hear and hearken unto the voice of God through His words. Come unto Christ through His words. Desire more, and hunger and thirst after His words. Search His words diligently. Receive His words. Is the word of God found in you? And after you have received His words pray and fast that you may receive the spirit of revelation and the spirit of prophecy. Know the truth by diligently searching the word of God.
Other rhetorical links include search/search diligently the word of God (Alma 14:1;17:2;33:2). Live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (D&C 84:44). Expound upon the word of God (Alma 18:38; 22:13; 3 Ne 23:14; 26:3). Speak with tongue of angels (2 Ne 31:14).. Write, read and understand (Mosiah 1:5; 3 Nephi 10:14). For more detail click the red links which appear hereafter.
And faith comes by hearing the word of God.
If ye have read the word of God, how can you disbelieve on Son of God (Alma 33:14). He who denies God's revelations has not read the scriptures (Morm 9:8). By the Lord's power, men can read his words to each other (D&C 18:35). Hear the voice of God in his words (D&C 18). Bring up children in light & truth (D&C 93:40, i.e. the word of God is light & truth (D&C 84:45).
Even though this is not a comprehensive list of all links associated with the word of God, it is easy to see how the Lord uses words and then links them through ideas that they have in common to other words and phrases to open up to us a more complete picture of what He has revealed to us. Even through His parables He is further describing the words of His Father to illustrate how we may or may not respond to His words. The best example may be the Parable of the Sower where He describes the seed being sown as the word of God, and how the word can be received or rejected by us, but if we plant His words in our hearts (where it becomes the good soil because of the word), it will grow within us and be found in us at the last day.
And perhaps it is the type of soil that differentiates 'clinging and 'holding fast.' The tree of life has grown in the hearts of those who hold fast.
And finally Christ taught only the words of His Father.
Thank you Clark for "planting" these word links; this post prompted my personal scripture study as I followed some of the links you highlighted to see what I might "receive" by the "spirit of revelation." I found it very "fruitful" as I "searched," especially the trail of "following its course." The word of God, if we follow their course, "is one eternal round" (1 Ne. 10:19). Since the "courses of heaven and earth are fixed" (D&C 88:43), it shows the word of God is unchanging, varying neither to the right nor left. The course is "straight" and points to "eternal bliss" (Alma 37:44).
ReplyDeleteIn the immortal words of Mr. Ed, "The Word is a Course, of course of course!"