"And if it so be that they shall not believe these things, then shall the greater things be withheld
from them, unto their condemnation"
(3 Nephi 26:10).
When I say the Book of Mormon was written for us, who are we? Who are 'they,' 'them' and 'their?' Of the groups of people described in the Book of Mormon, of what group are we identified with? And by we, I mean members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I mean you--of what group are you?
Book of Mormon prophecy relates to six groups of people: 1) the Jews, 2) the lost tribes, 3) Lehi's descendants, 4) the Gentiles, 5) the fulness of the Gentiles, and 6) the salt of the earth.
Of these six groups only the Jews, lost tribes and Lehi's descendants constitute the house of Israel spoken of in the Book of Mormon, both historically and prophetically. Since most members of the church are not Jews, Lehi's descendants or of one of the lost tribes, they are identified with the Gentiles (D&C 109:60), which includes the fulness of the Gentiles or Ephraim among the nations (Genesis 49:19).
Members of the church are also called the salt of the earth, or those who have entered into the Lord's new and everlasting covenant (D&C 101:39-40).
The only prophetic reference to the salt of the earth in the Book of Mormon is found in 3 Nephi 16:15 where the Lord prophesied that the salt of the earth would lose its savor, and "thenceforth would be good for nothing but to be cast out, and to be trodden under the foot of my people, O house of Israel."
It is necessary to understand the difference between the Gentiles and the fulness of the Gentiles in the Book of Mormon.
The Book of Mormon was intended to come forth as a test to the latter-day Gentiles. If we embraced its message, we would receive greater light and knowledge. If, however, our unbelief and false traditions led us to harden our hearts against His words, we would come under condemnation. And this condemnation would come unto us because of our vanity and unbelief, having treated lightly the words of Christ recorded in the Book of Mormon (D&C 84:52-55).
This is my church, . . . and nothing shall overthrow it, save it is the transgression of my people" (Mosiah 27:13). God guarantees the integrity of His church against all external enemies, but He will not deny the members the right to transgress and destroy it. More on the Gentiles in Prophecy.
Because this series of posts is about believing the words of God in the Book of Mormon, I want to ask you a series of questions concerning your level of belief. Keep in mind that you either believe or you do not believe. "I don't know" is the same as saying "I do not believe."
Do you believe that the Book of Mormon was written for you and about you, either to bless you or condemn you?
Do you believe that you are identified with the Gentiles spoken of in the Book of Mormon?
Do you believe that through the fulness of the Gentiles, the remnant of Lehi's seed, shall be brought to a knowledge of their Redeemer (3 Nephi 16:4)?
Do you believe that the Gentiles shall sin against His gospel (3 Nephi 16:10)?
Do you believe that the Gentiles will reject the fulness of His gospel (3 Nephi 16:10)?
Do you believe that Christ will take away the fulness of His gospel from the Gentiles (3 Nephi 16:10)?
Do you believe that Christ will then remember His covenant with His people, the house of Israel, and bring His gospel unto them (3 Nephi 16:11)?
Do you believe that you must repent and hearken unto His voice if you are to be numbered among His people, the house of Israel (3 Nephi 16:13;15)?
Do you believe that the Salt of the Earth will lose its savor and will be good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden unto the feet of the house of Israel (3 Nephi 16:15)?
Do you believe that you must know of the true points of His doctrine in order to be numbered among His people (3 Nephi 21:6)?
Do you believe that the Father will work a great and marvelous work among us, and there shall be among us those who will not believe it (1 Nephi 14:7; 3 Nephi 21:9)?
Do you believe that the Gentiles will reject His words and not believe them (3 Nephi 21:11-12)?
Do you believe that the house of Israel (Jews, 10 tribes and Lehi's descendants) will believe His words (3 Nephi 20:29-31)?
Do you believe that the Gentiles will reject the blessing of the Holy Ghost (2 Nephi 28:4-5; 3 Nephi 20:15;27)?
Do you believe that you are judged by His words in the Book of Mormon (John 12:46-50)?
Do you believe that the Gentiles are the wild branches spoken of in Enos' allegory in Jacob 5, who are grafted into the tame olive tree?
Do you believe the master of the vineyard in Jacob 5 when He says that the wild branches bring forth fruth, but none of it which is good?
Do you believe that fruit which results from being religious, like temple attendance, reading the scriptures, attending meetings, paying tithing, fasting, family activities, and not committing any of the 'serious' sins are not good fruits (3 Nephi 16:12-13)?
Do you believe that the Gentiles deny the gifts and power of God because of unbelief (Moroni 10)?
Do you believe that unless one works by the gifts and power of God, they do no good (Moroni 10:25)?
Do you believe that Christ has all power to save every person that believeth on his name and bringeth forth fruit meet for repentance (Alma 12:15)?
Do you believe that the Gentiles are lifted up in the pride of their eyes, have stumbled, because of the greatness of their stumbling block, that they have built up many churches; nevertheless, they put down the power and miracles of god, and preach unto themselves their own wisdom and their own learning, that they may get gain and grind upon the face of the poor (2 Nephi 26:20)?
Do you believe that the laborers in Zion shall labor for Zion; but if they labor for money they shall perish (2 Nephi 26:31)?
Do you believe the last days are the days of the Gentiles (2 Nephi 27:1)?
Do you believe that the Lord has poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, that He has closed your eyes (2 Nephi 27:5)?
Do you believe that you draw near unto Christ with your mouth, and with you lips you do honor Him, but that you have removed your heart far from Him, and the fear towards Him is taught by the precepts of men (2 Nephi 27:25)?
Do you believe that all churches, including the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, have become corrupted because of pride, and because of false teachers and false doctrine (2 Nephi 28:11-12)?
Do you believe that you must be stirred up unto repentance or the devil will grasp you with his everlasting chains, from whence there is no deliverance (2 Nephi 28:19;22)?
Do you believe and understand the doctrine of repentance (D&C 68:25)?
Do you believe that only those who repent are of His church (Mosiah 26:22; D&C 10:67-60)?
Do you believe that cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men (2 Nephi 28:31)?
Do you believe that notwithstanding that Christ has lengthened out His arm unto the Gentiles from day to day, that they will still deny Him (2 Nephi 28:32)?
Do you believe that as many of the Gentiles that will repent are the covenant people of the Lord (2 Nephi 30:2)?
Do you believe that the time speedily cometh that the Lord God will cause a great division among the people, and that the division will be caused by His words, which come as a result of His Great and Marvelous Work (2 Nephi 30:10; 1 Nephi 14:7)?
Do you believe that the voice of the Gentiles has chosen iniquity?
"Yea, well did Mosiah say, who was our last king, when he was about to deliver up the kingdom, having no one to confer it upon, causing that this people should be governed by their own voices—yea, well did he say that if the time should come that the voice of this people should choose iniquity, that is, if the time should come that this people should fall into transgression, they would be ripe for destruction" (Alma 10:19).
How many did you believe? How many did you answer 'I don't know?' You can clearly see that just saying 'I know the Book of Mormon is true,' is not sufficient.
This may be where you may want to try Alma's experiment, by desiring to believe, and planting His words in your heart.
I would like to propose that our unbelief comes from treating the Book of Mormon lightly. I have just scratched the surface with these questions. There is so much breadth and depth in the Book of Mormon. It is both a history and a prophecy, but also filled with truth and light and intelligence. The Book of Mormon tells us that the Gentiles will reject the gift given to them. And what is that gift? The Holy Ghost.
Q. And what is the purpose of the Holy Ghost, even the Spirit of truth?
A. To bring to our remembrance all the words spoken by Jesus Christ (John 14:26; 15:26).
"Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come" (John 16:13 emphasis added). So even the Holy Ghost speaks only what he hears from the Father.
Think about this for a minute:
Christ only teaches what His Father commanded Him to teach--His Father's words.
The Holy Ghost only speaks what he hears from the Father.
And angels only speak the words of God (Moroni 7:31).
Christ prayed to His Father saying, "For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me..." (John 17:8 emphasis added).
Those who teach His words, teach the truth. In fact Christ prayed for them "which shall believe on me through their word..." (John 17:20).
Do you believe that we magnify our office unto the Lord by taking upon us the responsibility, answering the sins of the people upon our own heads if we do not teach them the word of God with all diligence (Jacob 1:19)?
The deceitfulness of the self-image is the most formidable barrier to belief.
This is perfectly understandable, since people have to live with themselves, but also quite dangerous, since it easily covers a multitude of sins. Thus the people of Zarahemla angrily rebuffed calls to repentance by Samuel the Lamanite. They insist on being told not what is wrong with Zarahemla—for that "ye . . . cast him out and seek all manner of ways to destroy him; . . . ye say that he is a false prophet . . . of the devil," and so on (Helaman 13:26). They only want to hear what is right with Zarahemla.
Do you only want to hear what you consider to be right with you? Forget the Book of Mormon then.
Can you see yourself, your family, your friends, your neighbors, and others, in the Book of Mormon prophecies concerning the Gentiles (D&C 84:49-53)?
Next: But We Have The Book! - Obstacles to Belief
The 'salt of the earth.' I hadn’t connected that as one of the groups talked about in the Book of Mormon, but am intrigued by the way you’ve situated “salt” in the context of the gentiles and future prophecy. This year Richard Rohr’s group is focusing on the symbolism of “salt” and what it means to embody it. Your list of beliefs from the Book of Mormon provided a fun way for me to test my saltiness.
ReplyDeleteGoing down your list, I kept track and clocked in at 34.5 / 35 beliefs. I gave myself ½ credit for the belief, “Do you believe that the wild branches bring forth fruit, but none of it is good?” -- because I agree it must be true (it is mentioned several times in scripture) but I am baffled how NONE of it could possibly be good. Couldn’t a rotten fruit at least serve as fertilizer, and see some good come of it?
But yes, I believe (even though I cannot imagine all the ways God will cause these things to take shape and come to pass). I laughed out loud at this line, “Do you only want to hear what you consider to be right with you? Forget the Book of Mormon then.” Well, thanks to you, I will not be forgetting the Book the Mormon anytime soon. Thank you, Clark.